Meet some of our secondees

Neil Rowan
TUS (Ireland)
Neil Rowan was a secondee at the Atlantik Fisheries company (Portugal) to gain an understanding of established successful commercial fish production processes to apply this new knowledge to develop Irish-based freshwater-aquaculture systems.
Evmorfia Athanasopoulou
Geoponiko Panepistimion Athinon (Greece)
Evmorfia Athanasopoulou went for a month to Packtin SRL, in Italy, to develop innovative edible and green materials to be applied for fish and seafood packaging.

Marios Chryssolouris
SuSea BV (The Netherlands)
Marios Chryssolouris stayed for 1 month at Geoponiko Panepistion Athinon (Greece) to perform food processing experiments on oyster samples using the high hydrostatic pressure technology. The aim is to model the process and increase shelf-life of treated seafood.
Aikaterini Spanou
Geoponiko Panepistimion Athinon (Greece)
Aikaterini Spanou was a secondee for a month at Packtin SRL, in Italy, to collaborate on the development of sustainable and eco-friendly food packaging materials with active compounds to increase the shelf life of fish fillets.
Gustavo Fehrenbach
TUS (Ireland)
Gustavo Fehrenbach stayed for a month to develop activities at Nutrifresco (Portugal). Anatomy and microbiome studies were realized on the bivalve mollusc Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and correlated to quality and production safety.
Marios Chryssolouris
SuSea BV (The Netherlands)
Marios Chryssolouris stayed for one month at University of West Attica (Greece) with to develop a mathematical evaluation model of the applicability of alternative food processing methods on quality and safety of fish and seafood, based on conventional and modern techniques to evaluate their allergenic capacity.

Liliana Anjos
CCMAR (Portugal)
LIliana Anjos from CCMAR was a secondee at Coney Island Shellfish (Ireland) to help in the development of novel depuration processes using pulse UV treatments to reduce contamination load and increase safety and quality of farmed oysters.

Maria Kostakou
AUA (Greece)
Maria Kostakus from AUA was a secondee at ADM-Biopolis (Spain) to contribute for the sequencing and analysis of the genome of an opportunistic food born pathogens that contaminates seafoods.

Patricia Pinto
CCMAR (Portugal)
Patricia Pinto from CCMAR was a secondee at ADM-BIOPOLIS (Spain) to contribute to develop novel tools for safety and quality evaluation based on NGS technologies of fish samples from aquaculture or retail origin.